Hi, I’m Carley!

A few things about me:

I am a born & raised Texan. Girl momma. Jesus follower. Blood type: Coffee + Wine. A lover of all things comfy. Probably wearing Nikes + Joggers. The little things mean the most to me. Candles, flowers, music & clean sheets are my love language.

Why Hair & Makeup?… YOU! I am passionate about people. Relationships. Connection. The better I get to know you, the final product reflects just that… YOU but enhanced. The joy it brings me to see a new level of confidence unlocked is indescribable. I love to make others not only look beautiful… but to FEEL beautiful.

I have worked as a professional hair & makeup artist for many years now. My work has been published among multiple platforms and magazines. But what I am most proud of are quality relationships I have built with my clients over the years. I simply could not do it without any of you!

I am beyond grateful for your interest.

I can’t wait to get to know you + work together!